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Holy fuck. The way this top moves his hips. Wow.
Video poster Tomando lo que quería
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The Dude is more adventurous with sounds than I am. He tries all sorts of things in life. (And it looks a lot safer than a guy I know who works the first joint of his pinky into his dick hole! Ouch!)
Video poster thedudewhosadude sounds again!
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BE IN AWE. Count it as seven separate orgasms in two minutes, with a spurt each time... or count it as one orgasm that lasts for over two minutes and has seven spurts... Either way, this is epic.
Video poster PAPI CUMS 7 VECES EN 2 MINUTOS! Él puede enseñarte cómo :)
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Oh you gotta see this one
Video poster Compartiendo una nutria borrosa con mi mejor hombre
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I`d say steer clear of guys who have spent most of their adult life in the pen. But: that smile. And: that PAUSE before he says ``bi``...
Video poster Hung guys Eric and Joe are eager to trade blowjobs in bed
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We can forget Albolene, there`s stuff called Bator Balm now. FTW.
Video poster Papá se corre con su nuevo lubricante Bator Balm. Corrida en el baño.
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There's a whole lot of loving in this video!
Video poster Cría del sur
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Motto for guys worried about dick size: ``It`s not the size of the wand, it`s the magic inside it.``
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desbloqueó un nuevo logro: "The Critic"
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A friend recently described to me their experience with a system whose name, uh, involves the sound of grinding, as: ``Everyone not as weird as me is privileged, everyone more weirder than me is toxic, and but everyone exactly as weird as me is cool so let`s hook up!`` (This was a paraphrase of Wint/Dril on that site whose name comes between W and Y.). So my friend said he`s entirely switching to another site that, uh, sounds like growling.  We shall see.
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Happy muh-fuh Valentine`s Day, errrrrybody!
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desbloqueó un nuevo logro: "The Collector"
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Nah mang,it`s turning out that Astroglide X is too thick, too viscous. I`m thinking of going for some really slippery silicone stuff now.  But... I think I`ll use this as lotion to put on the head of my dick to keep the skin nice and supple and soft.
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I'm still kinda new here, just checking things out.

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Trying out new techniques for getting off. Slowly sliding my dick into my husband's ass. (I've decided that any moment I'm erect should count as my cardio for the day.)
Películas y programas de TV favoritos:
Lately? Whatever weird stuff is on Tubi
Música favorita:
Musicians who take risks and make no sense
Libros favoritos:
I'll let you know once I get an attention span.
Lo que me pone caliente:
Positivity. Guys who yell and moan when they cum. Cumeating. Admiring Prince Alberts (like mine, but sometimes a big bigger)
Lo que no me pone caliente:
When edging leads to blue balls. When a great video is ruined because of TV or music in the background. :( People who actually downvote videos just because it's not what *they* happen to like.
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