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Men Can Squirt Like Women! – Instruction Man

Men can squirt like women! I discovered this a few years ago. I’m sure a lot of you are wondering how this is done.
How it works:
This is how it works. It’s kind of like masturbating, but a bit different. The goal is to squirt, not to ejaculate. So this is what you do:
Step 1. Go in a private area.
Step 2. If you are uncircumcised, pull the foreskin all the way down with your left hand, and hold it there.
Step 3. Grab some hand lotion and apply it to your right hand and to the head of your penis.
Step 4. Place your right palm on the head of your penis.
Step 5. Masturbate like you normally would, but only work on the head of your penis.
Note: Do not stroke the lower part of the penis so you don’t accidentally ejaculate like you normally would.
Step 6. Rapidly move your palm (while wrapped around penis head) up and down. Only do this to the head of the penis.
Step 7. Do all the fantasizing you want to help speed up the process.
Step 8. You will feel like you have to pee. This is ok, women have the same impulse. Keep going with it, and don’t worry about the peeing feeling.
Step 9. And squirt! The feeling is awesome. You will squirt a clear liquid like a women’s squirt. Read below on how it should feel.
Note: It is very important to only work the head of the penis. Don’t work the shaft so you don’t accidentally ejaculate the regular way.
How it feels:
1. While rubbing the head of the penis, it will simply feel good being the head is a sensitive area.
2. Once you get closer to squirting, you will feel like you have to pee. This feeling will increase more and more as you get closer to squirting. Don’t worry about it, just keep stimulating the head of the penis.
3. Finally, when about the squirt, you will feel 2 things. You will feel like your peeing and an intense feeling of ecstasy. It will be a huge load that should contain little to no sperm. It should also be clear. This could get messy, so be careful where you squirt. But it will definitely be a huge load, and an intense feeling.
How does it taste?
Not really sure. It doesn’t have a powerful taste or anything. It kind of tastes like the fluid that comes from a woman’s vagina.
Hope this helps!
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did anyone try it as well?

Any experiences on "Men Can Squirt Like Women! – Instruction Man"?
I can for sure say that I enjoyed it!
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His girlfriend always made him use a condom, no matter how much he begged her. They were leaving for different colleges tomorrow. She had made her mind up. She tossed the rubber aside as she backed her ass into his throbbing cock. “Make a baby in me” she told him as she sank her pussy onto him. He smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist. He was going to cum harder than he had in his entire life.
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“Keep going!” he grunted as his fiancee’s maid of honor bounced on his cock. He had always had a crush on her and when she came waltzing into his room the morning of his wedding, wearing nothing but panties, he couldn’t say ‘no’.“Susie’s going to be pissed…” she groaned between pumps “she told me you’ve been saving up for weeks.” “What she doesn’t know, won’t hurt her” he panted back. His fiancee had refused to put out a month before the wedding and his balls were swollen with seed. “I’m going to take her baby…” she told him as she felt his cock begin to expand with an impending orgasm. “Give it to me! Feed my egg with your bull seed!” He gripped her hips and pushed his cock head hard up against her cervix. “UGGGGHHHHHH!” he bellowed as he hung on and emptied himself into her womb. She had taken her best friend’s wedding night conception for herself.
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Impregnate stories

I like blogs with stories about impregnation-fantasies. Tell me your best story please :-)
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