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If you're circumcised, your opinion literally doesn't matter.
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woman should be grossed out by circumcised dicks

Women should be grossed out by circumcised penises How can you possibly look at something that you know has been butchered, is dried out, cracked, and calloused, and has a gross, ugly, unsightly scar on it and be okay with it? How does it not gross you out? It looks disgusting. How do you look at it and just think "meh".  Like, dude, come on, they're almost vomitinducing. Do you just try to ignore it like you do if you see a burnvictim or someone who's missing an arm or something?  They objectively don't look better when circumcised, they look better uncut.  Also, the disgust on your part shouldn't be a matter of choice, it should be instinctual and , the same as when you see anything else that's gross, like maggots or . The sight of a circumcised penis should make you involuntarily react like "EWW! FUCKING GROSS! WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE THAT? WHY DOES IT LOOK ALL UGLY AND SCARRED?!" At the very least, it should make you scrunch your face up in disgust. I just don't understand why this doesn't happen with women. It absolutely should. What is wrong with you? Are you just that evil and uncaring? Are you truly just a monster? Seriously, just be grossed out by circumcised penises, okay? Just be grossed out. You know what? You don't even need a reason. Just be grossed out by them just because, okay? Just because.
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women should make fun of circumcised dicks

Women making fun of circumcised penises has the potential to have a major impact on the practice of male circumcision. For years, the practice of male circumcision has been justified with claims of health benefits, religious traditions, and social norms. However, as more and more research has been conducted on the topic, it has become clear that the practice of male circumcision is entirely unnecessary and harmful.
When women make fun of circumcised penises, they are essentially sending a message to men that the practice of circumcision is not socially accepted. This can be an incredibly powerful message, as many men who choose to get circumcised do so for social reasons. By making it less socially acceptable to be circumcised, women can help reduce the prevalence of the practice.
Furthermore, women who make fun of circumcised penises are sending a message that it is not desirable to be circumcised. This can help create a cultural shift away from the practice of male circumcision, as it gives men more incentive to keep their genitals intact. In addition, it can make men more aware of the risks associated with the practice, which can further reduce its prevalence.
Finally, women making fun of circumcised penises can help create an atmosphere in which men feel more comfortable discussing the topic. By talking about male circumcision, men can become better informed about the potential risks associated with the practiced.
All in all, women making fun of circumcised penises can have an important role to play in ending the practice of male circumcision. By creating a more open discussion about the topic, and making it less socially acceptable, women can help create a cultural shift away from the practice of male circumcision. This can ultimately lead to a reduction in the prevalence of male circumcision, and a healthier future for men everywhere.
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3 semanas atrás
People make fun of my dick because it is circumcised. I bet I deserve it
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Uncut dicks looks better than circumcised dicks

Circumcised penises are so freakin' ugly. Uncut penises look so much better, especially when the foreskin is completely covering the glans, or when it's only pulled back very slightly but is still covering most of the head, that's when it's the sexiest. All uncut penises look better than all circumcised penises. Circumcised penises just aren't aesthetically pleasing to look at. Uncut penises are VERY aesthetically pleasing to look at. Even the worst-looking uncut penis still looks better than the best-looking circumcised penis. It's no competition. No woman should ever date a guy who was circumcised or go anywhere near a circumcised penis. Gross. She should only ever date uncut guys. Also, not only do uncut penises LOOK better, they FEEL way better, are cleaner, and are way more fun, too, and it's not even close.
Also aesthetics+feeling]]]aesthetics]feeling]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]hygiene (even though circumcised penises aren't actually any cleaner, just needed to be said). Plus, even if circumcised penises were more hygienic (they're not), women should still take the best-looking, best-feeling uncut penis over the cleanest circumcised penis any day of the week, since hygiene just isn't as important as looks and feeling are and people blow it out of proportion. It's perfectly fine if it's a little bit dirty, it's not gonna unalive you and it's not even a problem and it's not even gross, either. Stop being irrational over nothing.
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No one is aroused by cleanliness

No one on the fucking planet is turned on by cleanliness. Why is this such a huge point of interest for you cutfags? Is it because it's the only thing you have? You can't claim that your mangled dick looks better, because it objectively doesn't. You can't claim that it feels better, because it objectively doesn't. You can't claim that it is more fun to play with, because it objectively isn't. And you can't claim that it is universally preferred, because it objectively isn't. So all you have to fall back on is cleanliness, like as if it somehow trumps all those other aspects, when it doesn't, since it's all you have, and even then, it's still wrong and you don't even have that, since circumcised dicks are objectively NOT cleaner.
And again, no one on the planet is turned on by cleanliness. No person on the planet has ever thought "oh my god, your dick is so clean. Your dick is so hygienic, it's making me so aroused." You know why? Because it's not something that can turn anyone on. You know what people are turned on by? Aesthetics! Something that uncut dicks have and circumcised dicks lack. You always hear people say "your dick LOOKS so good, so hot, so sexy." Not "wow, your dick looks so CLEAN."
You know what else is a point of arousal? FEELING! Something which uncut dicks have and circumcised dicks don't. Uncut dicks feel way better for women and men. You always hear "oh my god, your dick FEELS so good." Again, you never hear anything about cleanliness as a point of arousal. No one comments on it, because it isn't one.
What else do they comment on? Oh, that's right, SIZE! It's always "oh my god, your cock is so big". It's never "Oh my god, your cock is so CLEAN." Understand now? 
No one gives a fuck about hygiene as a point of arousal. No one is turned on by knowing your dick is clean. In fact, there are infinitely more people who are aroused by the idea of a dirty dick over a clean one. Fancy that. Aesthetics+feeling+fun factor, with size as a bonus, matters infinitely more than hygiene.
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circumcised dicks are ugly

No woman wants your ugly, dried out, vomit-inducing prune dick. Cover that disgusting, butchered shit up, dude. It's fucking nasty. It smells like sour milk and shit because you don't wash your filthy, circumcised dick. Fucking wash that nasty thing. Jesus Christ. Just because it's ugly, it doesn't mean it has to stink, too. You need to regrow your foreskin, that way women won't puke when they see your revolting cock, bro. Fucking yuck. Have some civility, won't ya? You're never gonna have a gf or wife if you don't do something about that ugly burn victim-looking dick of yours. I feel so sorry for you and any girl who has to see that mangIed mess of a butchered dick. Poor, poor girl. She needs a superior, gorgeous, clean, pretty, perfect, uncut cock, not an ugly, inferior, dirty, butchered one.
Imagine thinking an ugly, disgusting, scarred, dried out, cracked, calloused, emasculated, STD/STI-ridden, butchered penis, that looks it's been stitched together like some kind of Frankenstein's monster abomination, and has the look and texture of a scab in its final stages of healing, somehow looks better than a pretty, gorgeous, sexy, masculine, manly, juicy, uncut cock. Cutlets really have no sense of beauty and aesthetics.
Literally all women on the planet prefer literally everything about uncut cocks and hate circumcised cocks.
Every girl thinks circumcised dicks are fuck-ugly, wretched abominations that make them want to gag. Any woman who says otherwise is merely virtue signaling to make cutcucks feel better about their fucked up dicks.
No woman wants your ugly-ass, degIoved dick that looks like someone burned it with scalding hot water and poured acid on it.
To women, uncut cocks LOOK better, FEEL better, TASTE better, SMELL better, are CLEANER, and are way more fun to play with.
You will never be a real man.
You will never be a complete man.
You will never have a whole penis.
You will never experience TRUE sex.
Your partner will never be satisfied by your poor excuse for a dick.
You will always be a mockery against nature's design.
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3 semanas atrás
What you say is so true! I feel so deprived with my dull skinless insensitive circumcised cock.So embarrassing when I have to show my destroyed cock.
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desbloqueó un nuevo logro: "The Virgin"
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circumcised dicks are ugly. Uncut dicks looks a million times better and are superior in every way and all women prefer uncut cocks. All women hate circumcised dicks, just as they should.

circumcised dicks are ugly, all women prefer uncut cocks
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