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Kansas City, United States
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Asian gals that made my ugly little prick throb and begin to leak as well
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Just some sorry sumbiscuit looking for a gal thats tired of any and all BS and just wants ta hang out and chill all the way out and actually seems interested in finding who and how I am as I do the same of course b cause if I can not or will not like an individual wether they be male or female sapiens like I was saying if I will not like someone there is no way in he ll that I'll fu k with the person and I can guarantee that it has been documented in other towns and cities of more than one state and that's not anything to be proud of straight up

Allen McNutt II
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Situación sentimental:
Interesado en:
Lugar de nacimiento:
St Joseph in this state of misery of course
Kansas City
"United States"
Full time procrastinator and all around lame munky
My Creation INC
Which one of course all of em sucked
Intereses y aficiones:
I read ahlot used to draw and doodle but have fallen out of it for the present here and now I have gotten a tattoo gun/kit but I am not anything near being close to professional with it and I am heavyhanded to be very fu kn sure of that messnessess lmfao but nah if I had a bike I'd ride it so I could get some exercise ya dig gorgeous lil darlins out there
Películas y programas de TV favoritos:
NCIS I dig the hell outta some John wick put that down as fact or not action adventure spy and other international intrigue type sh it if yuns can dig it that is I can dig a reality based movie if it's done right you know fukrs don't cut corners and stuff
Música favorita:
Rage against the machine, Metallica of course but wait I have tee totally digressed so backing way up let me begin with led zeppelin most definitely #1 Stevie nicks the ojays stylistics all day long with the right sapien or until they screw up an otherwise good thing mkay darlin's hell ladies I enjoy all types of music and sounds that bring on a righteous and thuroughly good vibes and moods
Libros favoritos:
Cussler all day long when I get that particular wild hair uh yeah anything action and or adventure it has to be able to pull me into it draw my interests and curiosity towards it's pages sci fi, fantasy fiction and other books of different genres and all that jive sh it of course
Lo que me pone caliente:
A well made and most definitely well maintained and or very very well kept and taken care of redheads are my kryptonite if I'm not careful and weary otherwise I am not a good looking, much less anywhere near to being handsome but even due to that or maybe b cause of it not sure either or of course but yeah I go through very long periods of time where I don't have sex for a outrageous amount of time but with that being said I've not ever had a sexually transmitted disease though I did catch hepC and had it for quite some time but my body fought it off by its self with no kinda help whatsoever and I do without any kind of shadow of a doubt at all enjoy nah hell with that I most definitely love and miss to the very utmost of my still beating heart but I am craving the chance and or lustful desire to get down between a fine as sed woman's thighs and well do exactly what I have and accomplished before in my way back when of course but cunilingus is like riding a bike once you get it down your good to go with perha
Lo que no me pone caliente:
Any and all trifling and or straight up dirty person or person's anyways as long as the gal has her head on tight if not always on point or focused and she isn't a f ukn thief and hopefully she doesn't get into or down with lying about stuff no matter how unimportant or very important all that let's me know is that her word is no good and that she can not be trusted whatsoever I'm just ghosting through the rest of this snafu that I call my life and am quite content to skate through the rest of this stink free and hopefully clear of other sapiens drama and most definitely their BS or bull sh it now that I've thunk about it but nah I'm pretty laid back dude and try to keep nothing but the same vibe and mood surrounding me and my space no I'm not always successful with crap in my life but I do not and most definitely will not share any and all of my mind f uk ya dig gals b cause I am to dam ned old to get involved much less even concern myself with any other sapiens self induced drama and to my way of thinking a
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