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Donwannatellyaville, United States
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6 hace años
salut la miss tu vas bien ?accepte moi en amie si tu veut je suis du vaucluse aussi.si tu veut on peut faire connaissance et je t'enverrer quelque photo de moi j ai 25ans et suis bien monter et sans taboo si sa te dit..bsx
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pornhub blows

i haven't gotten around to deleting my profile yet. a friend told me about xhamster. not as pretty but it's faster and better. i almost don't want to share it. doesn't have the same social aspect but I think i am beyond that anyway. I got what I came for. I'll be leaving soon. Don't miss me too much boys.
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4 hace años
Fuck off already!
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pornhub day

i've been on pornhub all day either posting pics, flirting with friends, and watching videos, and cumming!!! don't forget cumming. it's been a great day. and strangely i am seriously considering getting both of my nipples pierced. what do people think about that? in case you didn't see my new pics, there is a visual aid for this question.
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confession #a

i check out erotic novels from the seattle public library and read them at work under book covers that i have made specifically for this purpose. i basically am getting off at work and it looks like i'm reading an intellectual novel. i am a horny girl. i can't even take a few hours off when i'm amongst the masses. i can't get no satifaction!!
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"xxxxley" and boobs

so, i have this friend who is off limits. he has a girlfriend and i'm not allowed to think about him sexually. (my rule to myself.) um, not working. he's a simple guy. works outside with his hands. and from being friends with him and around his friends as well as his gf with whom i'm friends, for a few years i know that he has a nice thick cock with a knowledge of how to use it.

so, i've been single to long and need it. bad. just cock, no complications like deep thoughts or morals. he's a neanderthal with a good heart. i would fuck him til he was worn to a nub.

back to reality, we hang out a lot together and get stoned and chill. but recently he has been making a lot of comments. as all guys do once you get comfortable and then they want more (at least this is my experience). the catch is he has a girl and we know it and we don't cross those lines. except lately, as the weather is heating up and he's doing construction in my backyard, (since i introduced him to my landlord and he's building a garage all summer long. fuck me! which is basically what i want to yell, but can't. so i have a total cunt tease constantly around me.) and i've been wearing less clothes since it's hot and he can't help but look. and i can't help but like that he looks.

but originally i started this blog laughing about Xxxxley; the other day when he kept bringing back boobs into the conversation; boobs falling out, boobs this, that, and it was because he had stopped by to work on the garage and i was in this very low cut dress and a thin bra. it was cool and my nipples definitely showed through. i knew this and, devil me, didn't cover up. i wanted him to see. and i knew he couldn't keep his eyes off my tits. we ended up playing cards, drinking beers and enjoying some green the rest of the day and i can't count how many times he talked about breasts. it was hilarious. oh men. you are so cute.
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so, i removed a load of "users" from my friends. sorry boys and girls, it just wasn't working out. i hope we can be friends again some day. i'm just not into the numbers game of this "social network" and i felt i was overloaded with people i didn't talk to.

things i like in friends are good profiles, i always check your favorites. if they turn me on i accept. but i never accept a friend request that has no message attached. who do you think i am that you can't even say hello?

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i'm of to the sasquatch festival for the weekend!!! viva la gorge!!!
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i'm of to the sasquatch festival for the weekend!!! viva la gorge!!!
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what i like to see in comments

my favorite thing about comments is hearing people's instant reaction. i'm such i nerd that sometimes during the clip i think of something clever and i'm like hey, remember that later after you cum so you can write it in the comments. that's hot much i like it. so that's why i don't like the spam. i also so to check out comments if is taking too long to load. and spam just, yuck.

but i also hate it when people get all pissed on their blogs like it matters in any way. so there. i just had to complete that. i just love the comments. i'm wordy. deal with it.

p.s. i'm at the beach and the only thing that could make this night better would be some cock.
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so i'm really perturbed by all the spamming on the comments. the comments are my favorite part almost and it is a total eyesore and my sex drive en plus! come on! not cool.
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4 hace años
Shut up!
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seeing stars

i just came so hard i saw stars. my orgasm lasted for at least a couple of minutes and i couldn't breathe it was so intense. i wonder how many brain cells cumming in a lifetime. if it's a good life probably a lot!

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friend requests

in regards to friend requests, i base 100% of my decision to accept you or not on your 'favorites'. if i like the things that you like- good- but even better, if there's something on there that i haven't seen and it turns me on. you are in.

i'm not on here to make a million friends. i'm here to talk to people who turn me on both mentally and sexually. oh and i delete requests immediately if there is no message attached.

to those who care.

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Inquiring minds want to know. Tell me a story, how did you find out you could squirt?

hmmmm? well, i didn't start having sex until i was 19. i was never into dating in highschool. i would hook up randomly with older guys but they were all dumb. i was too mature for guys my age, but they would have been lucky little fuckers. i had masturbated since i was 12 and was very good at it, but never squirted and didn't really know what squrting was.

i think my first boyfriend knew what was going on before i did. his name was Richard but i couldn't bring myself to call him Dick, since that was all he was. he was cute and dumb as rocks with a nice cock. we would go off on this marathon sex and near the end he would be telling me to do all these things like, let go, breath, while contorting me around. Thinking about it later it was obvious that he was trying to make me squirt. i guess i had gushed before and he was going for gold.

between him and others i found my talent by myself. i was pounding myself one day with a toy and i just came all over, shot feet away and convulsed til i could breath again. then i did it again, and again, and again.some of the guys i've been with since have thought that the condom broke when i would squirt a little in the beginning. i always come a little, or not so little, right when i start having sex. if i were a guy, i would be a premature ejaculator, if i couldn't do it again instaneously.

but, to tell you the truth, no one has ever really seen what i can do. i've never gotten close enough to a guy to open up that much. i've had a bit of a rough streak with assholes. i can't wait to be with someone, no holds bar! watch out!!
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So I just came so hard that tears somehow streamed down my face as I squirted. I was a cumming mess and it was fantastic. It might have been my allergies but it was crazy good either way. Just had to share. pity i was the only one to witness it.
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4 hace años
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Acerca de

I'm a voluptuous girl with a pretty insatiable sexual appetite. I love sex and am extremely orgasmic. Pretty laid back and love just spending time with friends. Eating good food, drinking good wine, maybe smoke something, and just laughing my ass off... and then of course going home and getting fucked until I squirt all over. I had to invest in lots of sheets because I change them so frequently.

Último acceso:
14 hace años
Situación sentimental:
Interesado en:
"United States"
Intereses y aficiones:
I'm an artist at heart with a new successul day job in business. I draw, print, paint glass and throw clay. I'm also a music fanatic and go to a lot of shows as well as play instruments very badly.
Películas y programas de TV favoritos:
I like sexy movies and funny shows. my favorite sexy movie is "lie with me" and recent tv show... the big bang theory. i think geeks are hot.
Música favorita:
too many to name. alt rock, indie, bluegrassy. really whatever. Arcade Fire lately.
Libros favoritos:
erotic. been hooked since i was young...er. vingt-trois, c'est jeune!
Lo que me pone caliente:
confidence! I like sexually aggressive men. i like to know that he's into me. i have a big personality and i like it when a guy can show he can handle that and give it back as hard as i lay it down. control games, dom and sub. i like to hear a man when he's really turned on. teasing him in public, mmmmm... and the way a man twitches and squirms after he cums.
Lo que no me pone caliente:
arrogance. vanity. ignorance. oh, and girls faking orgasms in porn is so gross and obvious.
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