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Cake, United States
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Wife and girlfriend

Being married and sharing a gf is nice but something people don't realize is it can be exhausting as well. Constantly having to balance my attention between them and making sure to sex both as well. It also makes awkward though fun. 3 people in the same bed can get crowded. Waking up to them screwing each other and or me is a regular occurrence though. Just this morning I woke up with the wife on top of me as the girlfriend pounded her with a strap on. :3
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Weird Behaviors

So I have this weird thing I do where when I am asleep I will suck on anything placed in my mouth. No idea why but the wife and girlfriend have found this fact very entertaining. I frequently wake up with random stuff in my mouth such as carrots, dildos, nipples, fingers, or even the girlfriends tongue! I swear I live with pervs.
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Waking up

My girlfriend I would say is really quite lucky. She has two girls with big tits and she has a massive boob fetish so she is always surrounded by her favorite thing and can play with them whenever she likes. Even better she is awkward and shy as all hell and won't just play with them most of the time as she doesn't want to "bother us" which leads to her hilarious attempts to "accidentally" touch or grab them in "totally reasonable" situations that are "totally not her being a pervy dork" or playing with them when she thinks we are asleep. The number of times I have found her sucking on the wife or my own nipples while we are in bed is incredibly frequent. It's adorable and I love her for it.
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3 hace años
Nice 🙂
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Morning fun

Woke up this morning with my girlfriends mouth on my tit sucking on it while she held my other in her hand. I was like "oh we are doing this than?" And I attempted to play with her as well. She grabbed my hand and pushed it away and released my nipple. She than fuck, just suck" and resumed her mouths place on my boob. So that's my morning, how's yours?
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Awkward mornings

So I woke up this morning with my girlfriends face pressed into my boobs and the wife hugging me from behind. Pretty normal but then my cat was on my side purring up a storm... makes me think none of them want me to leave lol
  • 4
3 hace años
wow so nice 🙂
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People are stupid impatient

8 minutes! They sent a friend request, I accepted it and they sent me a PM and unfriended me 8 minutes later because I didn't respond fast enough!. Dang it people! Patience is a virtue! Though I guess it was probably for the best as their interests sex wise didn't align with mine sooo... whatever. Well screw it! I will go back to eating my pizza while I watch If the Emperor Had a Text to Speech Device and finalizing my new computer build! XD
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People are weird

I don't quite understand why people on this site insist on only messaging me when I am online. Like I am here several times throughout the day checking my messages. We don't need to be on simultaneously to have a conversation. That's the point of a messaging system like the one on this site! Just shoot me a message if you want to talk. 😀
Also there are a boat load of people trying to share their cock on my feed... this is quite annoying. I don't find cocks attractive 95% of the time. I will always reject these pics. Send me some pics of you flexing your biceps or something! You know the attractive parts of your body! :3
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3 hace años
Nah, you're good... I mean still... bicep? anyone? please?!
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3 hace años
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For the love of...

So apparently I need to add "Don't be a bigoted jack hole" and "no politics" to my rules list. Seriously I would think this is obvious but apparently it isn't.
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3 hace años
apparently some jerk who felt he just had to insult a whole group of people while assuming I'm part of the opposing group for literally no reason. like I don't care what your political beliefs are! just be a good person and don't get into politics on a porn site!
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3 hace años
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3 hace años
Aw man now I don't get to be a ass hat😅
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Life Part 5

The downside to being much taller than your wife and gf is the fact that your clothes fit them fine but their clothes are small and rather tight fitting. For them that is fine they just wear my stuff all the time and I just have to try to find something that fits or go naked. Neither of them seem to think anything is wrong with that. XD
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3 hace años
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Life part 4

So I have problems that makes it so I have to take medication to help me . My wife and girlfriend both of this. My wife often will have sex with me while I'm asleep and most of the time I don't wake up till I orgasm if at all. The girlfriend does as well but not as often preferring instead to play with my mouth and tits. The reason for the mouth is because of a strange habit I have of sucking on things placed in my mouth as I . This has led to me waking up with random things in my mouth ranging from carrots and dildos to boobs and tongues.
  • 4
3 hace años
Lol random
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People are weird

Dude asks me if I could handle their cock. I say "maybe, how big is it?" Then they block me instead of telling or showing. Like okay then I guess keep your secrets.
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Acerca de

I like to chat with folks and am all for doing a sex fantasy chat, all you gotta do is ask. I'm also down to shoot the breeze and just talk about nonsense. I am currently in a polyamorous relationship with two other women, one who is my wife and another who is our girlfriend. Couple things to know before you chat with me 1. I do not have snapchat, skype, instagram, or any other online chat other than PH. I deleted my because of the frustrating ads. 2. I will never call you "daddy" 3. Do not insult me, being playful insulting is only okay if we've been chatting a while 4. You are not entitled to my time, you wanna chat that's fine and I'm all for it but understand sometimes I can get suddenly busy. 5. don't ask for pics, I will post more as I feel like it. I currently don't do nudes either 6. I don't beg, don't even try it 7. No gross stuff 8. I do not want a "sugar daddy" so shove off 9. I never approve unsolicited dick pics on my feed. So unless you have truly impressive don't waste your time

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4 meses atrás
Situación sentimental:
Interesado en:
Chicos y Chicas
"United States"
Intereses y aficiones:
Gaming, reading, playing card games, comics, TV, nerding out, masturbating, playing with my tits, and some combination of the above.
Películas y programas de TV favoritos:
Game of Thrones (excluding the last season), Firefly, Star Wars (pre-disney), Star Trek, The Simpsons, One Piece, Fairy Tail, anything made by Team Fourstar or LittleKuribo, and many more
Música favorita:
oh god a lot of different stuff, not super picky though I don't really like rap most of the time and prefer older stuff like AC/DC and Def Leopard.
Libros favoritos:
Destroyermen, anything Star Wars (pre-Disney, though the new Thrawn books are fun), and Warhammer 40k.
Lo que me pone caliente:
cool people, Futanari, nice asses, tits, guys with big dicks pounding hot woman, hot men, hot women, Boobs, cute guys and girls, creative types
Lo que no me pone caliente:
asshole jerks, cuckolding, people who don't know how to RP, people who don't read my rules, sexual insults, spitting, squirting, sexual , being asked to beg, BDSM, overly submissive people, being asked to refer to someone as daddy or someone referring to themselves as daddy, excessively rough sex, unsolicited dick pics, Bigots, people who insult others for having different beliefs then them, hair pulling
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